Shiva (Sheeva)
Shiva, the next sweetest cow, after Brahma, arrived from LA. He was the 4H project of a high schooler who did not want him auctioned. With the help of many kind supporters, PreetiRang raised enough funds within 36 hours to pay off her dues to 4H. PreetiRang is extremely grateful to The Farm Sanctuary for transporting him from LA to PreetiRang. The boy looked like an overfed pig on short stubby legs, when he first arrived. He couldn’t run away to save himself when pushed and head-butted by the cows higher in the hierarchy. Now he’s a shapely cow who can head-butt the best ones….In winter he looks like the prettiest sheep with thick curly blond hair/fur; he’s called Goldilocks. His fur resembles the “traditional” beige carpet at homes. Visitors love to lie down and relax on his back. Shiva is very accommodating. He will lay his head down to sleep on the grass next to visitors.